Educational Music for Young Writers

Always Truth Incorporated is here to help kids and parents prepare for bright futures with "I Am An Excellent Writer." This CD is a fun and exciting educational writing rap collection that will help students build their writing skills and pass standardized writing exams. Tameka Harris, a certified teacher, created the "I Am An Excellent Writer" CD to help students have fun while learning. The songs on the album remind students of the skills they need to write an excellent paper, exploring expository, narrative, and persuasive strategies.

When you want to empower your young learners with exciting and engaging educational music, you can purchase your copy via:

I Am An Excellent Writer Dont Settle




Youth With Tameka and Her CD

CD Baby

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Singing and a CD

Apple Music

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Tameka With Students

Teachers Pay Teachers

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Creative Motivational Poetry

Tameka Harris' delivery style is unique. The flow of her poetry is rhythmic, lyrical, and melodic. She writes about real issues that include topics like success, positive speaking, and relationships. Tameka also offers "Don't Settle," a relatable and inspiring CD that covers similar subjects. She has been invited to recite her poems at churches, open mic events, company celebrations, and rallies held within the community. Contact us when you want to book our creative, dynamic, and distinctively talented poet.